Aliso Viejo - VIP Shopper

Regardless of Your Passion...

We have a spot on our team for You!

Part time, Full time, No time...

We have a plan that can work for you!


Do you want a career where you can pursue your personal passion while helping people integrate health and wellness products into their lives, while saving money in the process, additionally you can help people see a light leading the path to recovery from the intense economic destruction that has occurred across the US.   Making hundreds of thousands of families homeless across the US.   Be their light!


For More Information Call:


10-8 Mon-Sat 11-7 Sun

Part Time Options Include:

Earn Free Stuff - Be a VIP Shopper - Refer in other shoppers and earn Free Stuff.  Put as much or as little time into it as you wish... no monthly requirements to earn Free Stuff or Discount Points.   VERY EASY!!

Earn Cash  (direct deposited to your bank account) - Be an IBO (Independent Business Owner) - Start for just $60 and then renew annually to maintain your business membership for only $30/Yr.   Join, then refer in other IBOs and earn from all their efforts and refer in VIP Shoppers and earn from all their purchasing... Earn CASH (well electronic cash... it spends the same).   Again apply as much or as little time as you like to this business.  Obviously you get what you put into it out of it.   That DOESN'T have to mean a lot of time, but it does take some dedicated consistent focused effort to grow your volume of all the people you refer in and the people they refer in and so on and so on....

Join Our Team - become an IBO to Earn Cash and Work in the Store at Aliso Viejo as a Store Operator

Earn extra commission (your share) from the store's monthly income generated.


Full Time Options Include:

Obviously you want as much income as possible!

Earn Maximum Cash you need two items an IBO membership $60 (appropriately qualified in 1st 30 days), and a VIP Shopper (your "Profit Shopper").   You will lend out your profit shopper ID to friends, family, etc. to let them try out eCosway for Free. When they buy you earn a commission or profit for their shopping (amount varies on a lot of variables). 

If they join, you earn every time they buy qualified items and they will buy more and more because they will be on the eCosway mailing list as members and will get the sale catalogs mailed to their home, these catalogs not only show the incredible values, but also educate the consumer about what we have to offer AND how they work or what the science is based on.

Most "Full Time" eCosway people either want a store or they want to be a trainer teacher and constantly show others how to do the business.  But you can do it however you like.  You can recruit online, in person, at work, at the beach, in the park, wherever you like...  The more people who join and start consuming eCosway brands and products, the more money you will earn.   AND you get credit for an infinite depth of purchasing volume in the payment calculations. 


Please see The Earnings Disclaimer and Qualification info at Bottom.







Babys & Kids!  Tell your Moms and Dads that you "Just Say NO to GMO".  Tell them you want organic and healthy food and products in your home so you can grow up to be your best.   Also tell your folks they should start a little business for you now and let you help them help you start earning and saving for that college fund.

College Kids!  You need free stuff!  Free essential stuff like laundry soap, toothpaste, shampoo, vitamins and supplements, skin care, etc. or maybe you would like some extra cash to help make ends meet and pay the rent (on your own - without Mom and Dads help or a Student Loan).

Moms! You are already hauling your kids all around town to all the great activities and keeping them entertained, why not make that a profitable venture. Do nothing different other than share the products you love at eCosway with all those other Moms! Tell them about us and our great brands.  Create a lifetime of income from a few seeds planted now!   This business can grow up with your Children.   Give your business to your Kids, when you eventually expire, pay for their college, get them those extra things...

Housewives!  You have needs!   Why not fulfill them for free?  Its easy to earn Free Stuff (Skin Care, Spa Masks, Moisturizers, Cleaners, Nutritional Supplements, etc.) or earn Extra Cash for your personal treat fund that is so often depleted. Replenish your treat fund, replenish yourself, treat yourself, spoil yourself... start something new and fun.... refer other housewives and people you know to eCosway. It is that easy. Just share your secret product you love and lend out your number.

High School Kids!  You have a bit of extra focus or attention on health and wellness or cash and earning potential. Start building that college fund today with an easy referral based outside sales position. Find something at eCosway that you like and tell your friends about it. Get them to come in and join and shop and you earn cash! It is that simple.

Burned Out Executives!  - You crave having some time of your own... But you realize that no matter how high you climb the ladder or how big you grow your company, that you don't have control of your time.   eCosway can often be integrated into your existing work environment to maximize the return on your investment... of your time.    When you suggest someone join eCosway as either a VIP Shopper or an IBO... They will listen to you.   If you Lead they will follow.  Invest only the time you see value investing a casual mention in social settings rather than talking about sports... talk about the interesting new business model you just discovered and this company that is giving away free stores.

Accountants!  - You know all about risk and the numbers.  Well take a close look at these.  Your risk is minimal.  The earning potential is nearly unlimited.   You understand geometric growth. 

Coaches and Instructors! - You are already giving out advice on fitness and nutrition, so why not get paid better for it.   Recommend only the products from eCosway that YOU endorse and send your students, their families and friends to the closest eCosway store with your number...  You earn cash!  Extra Cash!  It matters not whether you coach or teach Gymnastics, Dance, Aerobics, Yoga, Soccer, Football, Tennis, Weight Training, Surfing, etc.  We have some wonderful meal replacement options, organic foods and snacks, nutritional supplements for alkalizing and general physical support...  Great products like Chlorella, Spirulina, Antioxidant Complex (with Astaxanthin), Olive Essence (Hidrox), Protein, L-Arginine and more...  Did I mention great prices (your clients will thank you.)

Realtors! - You already have a good contact list (or you are really starving).   Why not suggest some eco-friendly cleaners to some of your clients in your monthly or weekly newsletter/blog or other form of contact touching....  Monetize that work.  eCosway products make great closing gifts that are memorable and get used.

Lawyers! - You are a winner, a fighter, a survivor, you believe in helping to defend individuals or society's laws....  Yet you too, have some kind of limits on your billable hours regardless of rate unless you have been made a partner or started some other sort of business venture or system to magnify the returns of your efforts.    You could try to go for Judge or You could use this business to help clients, help yourself create another stream of income.   You are obviously competent to do your due dilligence on this business...  Please do!

Performing Artists! - You are creative, you know how to evoke emotion and feeling in people regardless of your talent or specific trade.    You probably still have your struggles to stay booked, or to create, or to sell, or possibly even pay the bills, but you are good, you deserve to be able to pursue your artistic passion.   So just do it, but do it with eCosway as a part of the framework.  Supplement the income with a steady growing alternate income that can be used to support your passion.

Auto Mechanics, Teachers, Construction Workers, Government Employees, Engineers, Retail Shop Owners, Restaurant Owners, Union Workers...



Who are YOU?  

What do YOU do? 




I will tell you how eCosway can help you!





This is NOT a get rich quick scheme

 It is NOT a regular JOB either. 

YOU DO NOT receive hourly pay

YOU ARE NOT an Employee of eCosway.

YOU ARE an Independent Contractor.

YOU DO NOT receive a commission for enrolling members.

YOU DO receive payment per the "Profit Plan" for qualified purchases made by your VIP Shoppers (people you enrolled or they enrolled for you) and for the business volume (EV) generated from all the business people you sponsored. 

There is NO Guarantee you will earn anything.  

I can guarantee, YOU WILL NOT EARN ANYTHING, UNLESS YOU WORK IT (at least a little bit).  It isn't hard, but you do need a plan and you need to be dilligent, working it when you can and giving it a little time.  

This SEED CAN and WILL BLOSSOM INTO A LARGE MONEY TREE,  if you properly plant, nurture and water it! 



Click HERE to Get Started Today

Then select Join as an Independent Business Owner

Use US106326 to Join Me (Chris) or put in your sponsors number!






Copyright 2012 - Chris Ormsbee


Business Qualification Options for Part or Full Time Include:

None - Just join for $60.

100 eV - Join and buy or sell a 100 eV in 30 days.

500 eV in 60 days - Join and Buy or Sell 500 eV in 60 days

(earn unlimited BPI and EI - NOTE: can be attained later by doing 1000 eV in any month)

500 eV in 30 days - Join and Buy or Sell 500 eV in 30 days -

(earn 2 extra business centers (A & B) plus unlimited BPI and EI).

1000 eV in 30 days - Join and Buy or Sell 1000 eV in 30 days

(earn 6 extra business centers (A, B, C, D, E, F) plus unlimited BPI and EI).

Acheive Business Volume of 10,000 eV over any 3 month period and

apply to get a Free Store of your own.

Let the company take the risk and you take the profit.

For the Free Store you put up a small security deposit that is refundable upon relinquishing the store.

That is one of the best parts... you can walk away with 30 days notice.

and the model lends itself well to others wanting Your Store,

so you can go off and retire and enjoy that time, hopefully soon!

Regardless of your qualification you can find others, that want to,

and do qualify beyond your level and you can still profit from their efforts!

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