Aliso Viejo - VIP Shopper

Showing category "Rewards Products" (Show all posts)

Video Version of the Rewards Catalog

Posted by Chris Ormsbee on Saturday, April 28, 2012, In : Rewards Products 
Here is a video version of the rewards catalog for your convenience.



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The 360 Spin-Dry Mop

Posted by Chris Ormsbee on Thursday, January 26, 2012, In : Rewards Products 

The Spin Mop is a great eCosway Reward Item.

For only $25 and 3 RP you get a Spin-Dry Mop Package.

The package includes the mop head, the handle and the bucket with a built in spinning basket you can run by a foot pedal lever mechanism that allows you hands free operation and wringing of your mop. It's not robotic (yet) but it's much easier than a traditional mop.  

The large mop heads (5.90 each) can be easily switched by simply holding your foot on the mop strands and pulling up on the hand...
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Store Operator

Chris Ormsbee Operate the Aliso Viejo eCosway and Country Farm Organics Store in the Town Center.

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