If you decided to become a VIP Shopper or even an Independent Business Owner that helps to promote eCosway, you may want to give a little thought or planning on to where you want to go and grow?

eCosway offers you an international opportunity with nearly unlimited potential for growth and reach.  

So how does it work?   

You start here!  In Aliso Viejo, CA or wherever you are.   Then you either promote online shopping or shopping at your local store in your area or the referral area.

If you don't have a store nearby yet try to get a Free Store for yourself or you can also try to find someone that wants to operate a store in your area and help them get qualified, or just shop online and patiently wait for someone in your area to blossom into the opportunity that eCosway offers.

So you can start wherever you are and branch out to nearly wherever you want.   Helping to connect families and people from around the globe to a common cause of better products for better prices and the opportunity to profit from sharing it with others  (cutting out the advertising middle man).

It is really as simple as sharing.   Flapping your mouth a bit.   Talking to friends and people you meet, sharing what you like about eCosway and its products.   Then just remember your number, share that with your friend and ask them to go check it out.  Or if your friend is local, bring them into the store nearest you.  Show them what great products and prices we offer.

Usually everyone can find something they are interested in.   Not everything is for everyone and that is fine and by design.   We sell a wide variety of products to ensure that we can satisfy a broad market place of health concious consumers that want to save money and maybe even make a little on the side or as a new line of primary business.   Their choice. 

So think about where you might want to grow your business, because if it grows, you can go to support it AND probably write it, or much of it, off of your taxes... (obviously check with your tax advisor, but as an independent contractor traveling to support his network, I believe much if not all of it can be deducted... So it gives you a bit more incentive to GO... 

So decide Today where do you want to GO and GROW your eCosway network of shoppers and business owners.

Then decide Tomorrow, Where ELSE you want to GO and GROW!

My personal goal is 32 Direct branches with global consumption! I want to travel to Russia, China, UK, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, etc.