When you are explaining the eCosway Shopping or Business model to someone it is often wise to first listen to what they have to say about what they do, so you can try to relate our business to theirs if at all possible. 

This will often help them understand.  Similarly when teaching new recruits... often times, the confused look on their face will tell you that they didn't get it, THAT ROUND...  TRY AGAIN. 

Use a different analogy and say it a different way.  Try drawing a diagram showing the relationships and the flow of money between the two based upon sales or purchases.

So for example, I had a person I was helping the other day at the store.  They wanted to know why they wouldn't get the commission selling a water system after having not qualified for BPI and EI yet in their first 30-120 days.  I explained that because the was part of qualification their sponsor deserved it even though it might of been purchased by a VIP below another VIP below the IBO (person I was helping) that is still "unqualified as it relates to the BPI and EI bonuses.

I pointed out that this was a good reason to get qualified if you can.   But if you have a "go-getter" that is a VIP and you KNOW they will sell a lot of water systems to their friends... what can you do?   A couple things.

1.  You can convince them to become an IBO and qualify their center to 1000 eV in the first day (presumably with water systems), then they will capture ALL of their VIP or IBO Sales of anyone they sponsor or anything they sell.

2.  A less expensive trick would be have them sign up as two different IBOs... one for their company, then one for them, then their spouse or friend as the shopper under the lower business.  Then it will capture any profits trying to roll up in the ":upper" IBO position..  This is the end goad., even if they want to transact the business as a VIP.  Just do one center, but then.

If neither of those works, I am sure we could come up with aother apprach.

Good luck and if you want... stop by the store, introduce yourself and say hi and buy something while your their...
